Convenient and Comfortable
Restorative Surgery Center, LLC is one of the newest and most up to date Surgery Centers in St. Louis. It is located in the same building as Restorative Pain Clinic. The Surgery Center offers unmatched convenience and cost savings. Hospital surgery centers cost more and are not as convenient. You can park and walk right in to our surgery center. No stairs, no elevators, no long walks, or long waits. We will even help you out of the car and right into our large brand new waiting room.
Skip the Lines & Big Bills
Having your procedure at Restorative Surgery Center, LLC will take less time and be less stress on both you and your family. Plus, we have flexible scheduling with short wait time. Our brand new state of the art surgery center is now accepting new patients. Experience all these benefits of having surgery at our Outpatient Surgery Center in Florissant. If you have questions please call at 314-274-1000.

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Restorative Surgery Center
6829 Parker Road, Suite B
Florissant, MO 63033